
If you’re unhappy with your smile because of stains, discoloration or the size and shape of your teeth, veneers may be the perfect solution. Veneers replace the front of your teeth with a bright, natural looking, very thin sheet of porcelain. When done properly they can dramatically improve your smile and boost your confidence. At Park Slope Dentistry Seventh Avenue, Dr. Angelique Freking has years of experience transforming people’s smiles with veneers. Call or book an appointment online to learn more about porcelain veneers.



Dental Veneers Q&A

What problems can veneers fix?

Veneers address a wide variety of issues including

  • Tooth stains that can’t be fixed with whitening

  • Tooth discoloration

  • Chipped teeth

  • Teeth that appear uneven or too small

What are veneers?

Veneers are a wafer-thin sheet of porcelain that is bonded to the front of your teeth to give your smile a natural, even, and more beautiful appearance. Veneers can make your teeth look brighter, and also change the shape of your teeth if you’re unhappy with their shape or size. Veneers are most commonly applied to front teeth, but often are used on premolars and molars as well.

At Park Slope Dentistry Seventh Avenue, we use the nation’s best dental labs that have highly skilled artists who custom craft every veneer for the unique needs of each tooth.

What is the process for getting veneers?

Veneers generally require five appointments, although the number of visits may vary patient to patient.

In the first appointment, you’ll meet with Dr. Freking to evaluate your teeth, discuss what you want in your new smile, and talk through the steps of the process. If you decide to move forward, we will then take impressions of your teeth for the dental lab to begin designing your new smile.

At the second appointment, the doctor will prepare your teeth for the veneers and apply temporary veneers.

At a third appointment, we will evaluate if your temporary veneers are functioning well and confirm you are happy with their overall shape. We will then take impressions for your final ceramic veneers.

At the final appointment, the doctor will apply the final veneers, making sure they fit perfectly. At this point, you are wearing your new smile!

Do I have to have my teeth shaved down for veneers?

In most cases, you do need to have some enamel removed in order to make your veneers look and feel as natural and life-like as possible. Exactly how much enamel is specific to your case. If you have a lot of discoloration, more will need to be removed, because your new veneers are so sheer and translucent (just like real enamel!) that they can’t cover up significant staining. In other cases, none or very little tooth needs to be removed. 

Should I whiten before veneers?

Yes! We typically recommend you whiten prior to starting your veneers to get the brightest, most natural result. However, you should complete all whitening at least 7-10 days prior to your first veneer appointment and not do more until your new veneers are fully bonded so you get the strongest bond strength possible. 

Can I whiten after veneers?

Yes, you can. However, the actual porcelain will never change color. But if the back of your veneered tooth has become stained, whitening can brighten your smile a little bit. And of course, your teeth without veneers will still whiten. 

How long do veneers last?

This is a hard question to answer, because it can vary from patient to patient depending on factors like oral hygiene, the way your teeth fit together, and whether you have any clenching or grinding habits. In general, with good hygiene and regular night guard/retainer use, we see anywhere from a decade or longer. 

How do I best take care of my new veneers?

Commonly, patients will stop flossing because they are worried they will pull off their new veneers. This is not true! Flossing is essential to maintaining the health of your veneers; floss will never pull off a healthy veneer (or any kind of dental work). Brushing twice a day and regular dental visits can dramatically increase the lifespan of veneers as well. Your dentist may also recommend you have a nightguard or clear plastic retainer made after your veneers are finished; this can greatly increase the lifespan of your veneers. In fact, in higher risk cases, if you choose not to wear a nightguard your dentist may not fully guarantee the work. Trust us - there is nothing worse than breaking a beautiful new veneer when a simple night guard would prevent it.