
We try to avoid it if possible, but sometimes a tooth has to be removed. Whether it’s an impacted wisdom tooth, a tooth fractured beyond restoration, or a tooth with too much decay, Dr. Freking and associates can extract your problem tooth quickly and as painlessly as possible. If you think you have a tooth that needs to come out, call or make an appointment online.



Extractions Q&A

Why would a tooth need to be extracted?

Removing a tooth is always our last resort, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Reasons for needing a tooth extraction include

  • There’s not enough room in your mouth for your emerging wisdom teeth (this is what we mean when we say “Your wisdom teeth are impacted.”

  • A broken tooth that is fractured beyond repair

  • Extreme tooth decay

  • Advanced gum disease

  • Overcrowding caused by misaligned teeth

  • Preparation for orthodontic treatment

What happens during a tooth extraction?

Our number one concern is your comfort. We use local anesthesia to numb your gums, teeth and surrounding jaw area. If you’re extra anxious (which is totally understandable!) we can also provide nitrous oxide or prescribe an oral anti-anxiety medication to help you relax. On top of that, we encourage patients to bring headphones to listen to music or a podcast during the procedure. If you forgot your headphones, we have extra! Just ask. 

Once you’re comfortably numb, your tooth will be removed efficiently.

What should I do after my tooth extraction?

After your extraction, we will provide you with detailed instructions on what to do. In general, the important thing to do is give your gums the optimal environment to heal.

Some things you should avoid

  • Vigorous rinsing or brushing (which while healing you probably won’t want to do anyway)

  • Chewing directly on the extraction area (which again, you naturally won’t want to do)

  • Smoking (this one is especially important)

  • Drinking alcohol

Some things you should do

  • Apply ice packs on your face outside the area of extraction.

  • Take prescription antibiotics to prevent infection if your doctor chooses to prescribe them

  • Take prescribed pain medication as directed.

  • Drink plenty of fluids and eat soft foods (if you’re looking for an excuse to drink a milkshake, this is it!)

How long will it take to heal?

You should feel much better after 3-4 days. The healing process isn’t always the most fun, but it’s better to feel the pain of healing than the pain of infection!